Sunday 27 December 2009

Creative Project Coursework Piece ( Main Idea)

Idea Four DEFECTED (Main Idea)

We were inspired by this story from various Gangster thriller films such as 'The Godfather' or 'Good fellas'. As they can portray the right amount of raw violence in a subtle way. A horror is more gore and violent deaths such as people being butchered throughout the whole film. Where as a thriller has more subtle deaths with less gore. Such as gunshots or a stabbing.

The main idea is set in the city or Birmingham. There are two rival gangs that have been each others competition for decades. Over the years the hatred has never been higher. Leader of the Gangs a Miss Jackie Swanson an ice queen with an addiction to authority. Falls in love with a man called Kevin however the twist of this narrative is. Kevin is the leader of the other gang. After keeping the relationship a secret from their gangs for over 6 months. Jackie then decides she wants to be with Kevin, so they decide to come up with a plan that will ensure they're relationship will last. Manipulated by Kevin , Jackie decided she will kill her entire gang in order to defect to the other gang.

The killings start to spread through Jackie's gang, taken care of by John, a Hit man from Kevin's gang hired by Jackie. John is a famous in the underbelly of crime and is renowned for never leaving a witness to a hit. However when a low grade worker for Jackie. Tariq is on his way back from a delivery witnesses John taking care of a target luckily he is able to hide and survive. But he when see's Jackie talking on the phone to John he starts to unravel something that is way over his head. A secret that is clearly too big for a amateur gangster like himself to handle.

Tariq then sets out to unravel the conspiracy within his ranks. When Jackie and Kevin begin to realise someone is killing people in Kevin's gang , they soon find out it is Tariq is behind the killings as he feels he has been betrayed by Jackie and his gang. However as faith in John has been lost as he has left a witness. Jackie and Kevin decide to take care of Tariq themselves. However John takes this as a personal offense and makes it a private matter to deal with.Tariq well on his way of killing both gangs soon is confronted by Jackie herself. Unarmed she can do nothing but try and negociate with Tariq, he starts to be sucked into it until she says the fatal words which are coincidentally her last. " You don't know what your doing" Tariq does not hesitate about shooting her in the head. Effort from John soon fail when he is then killed by Kevin as he sub-conciously still put his trust in him to keep Jackie safe.

Kevin now alone without Jackie soon sends out his entire gang to find Tariq. With a price . £500,000 dead. Or £1,000,000 alive. But the question unanswered in the film until the very end is who gets to who first in time to pull the trigger? Tariq or Kevin?

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