Monday 16 November 2009

Character Analysis

Jackie Swanson – Played By Beth Slinn

Jackie – A twenty four year old woman brought up in the city of London. Born into a family of gangsters, to everyone she was viewed as normal but everyone knew not to cross her or her family. Used to being spoiled since she was born up to three weeks ago, when her father was brutally murdered. However only caring about what is important to her; Jackie did not turn up to her father’s funeral and decided to run the family ‘business’. Jackie is very egotistical and wants it all, money, power, and a big feared empire. Jackie believes that anything is within her reach as she is strong and independent. This is until she falls in love with the leader of her rival gang. At the beginning she is unaware of her lovers identity as she is too naive to pay attention to her father’s business until it is her business. Soon enough she loses sight of what is important for the wellbeing of her gang and her father’s legacy and is consumed by desire and greed.

Tariq - Played By Tariq Azzomi
Tariq - A twenty six year old man who is still low in the ‘food chain’ of the gang. He was adopted by Gang 2 when he was 5 years old as his mother was killed during a mid gang feud on her way home from picking up Tariq when gunfire broke out in the street. Gang 2 thought it would be best to take him and make him part of the gang as he could only benefit them in the future. Tariq himself does not want to be in the gang or follow their way of life. However as they have brought him up he knows nothing else. After 11 years of loyalty to gang 2 he find his boss and his father figure are corrupt, this causes a mental break down and major confusion to Tariq. This cause Tariq to lose sense of reality so he focuses all his pain, mistrust and anger onto his boss and seeks revenge and power, his goal now is to pay the appropriate comeuppance and make himself the leader of gang 2 as he sees it as his rightful place.

Mike Played by Tom Bull – A twenty two year old man who was brought up by the gang after an agreement tied him to the gang lifestyle forever. After accidentally killing someone during a pub brawl only at 16; the leader of gang two approached him and agreed to keep the police of his back in return for favours. At the beginning it was nothing but simple give and receives errands; however these days it has came to the level or brutal murders. He is nothing now but a hit man. He knows nothing else but the gang way of life. He feels no remorse or regret for what he has done. He is the gang’s best weapon; he is untraceable, quick sharp and ruthless. He then has a psychological break down when he lies to boss stating the job has been done to satisfactory standards when the truth is that he leaves a witness. Hiding this from his boss he is under huge stress to make sure him or the gang are not suspects of anything.

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